Shawn Baker

Shawn Baker

Shawn Baker – is an athlete, author of “The Carnivore Diet” and CEO of Nearly 200,000 people follow him on his Instagram account and keep up with his lifestyle and the carnivore diet. For his diet, Shawn likes to reach for The Otto Grill.

We met Shawn Baker and had a little chat with him. It was super interesting meeting him and learning so much about his carinvore lifestyle. We wish you lots of fun ready the interview.

Otto Wilde:
Shawn, in your book you give a deep insight into the carnivore diet. when did you start eating carnivore and what made you decide to do it?

I started the diet in 2016. I had experimented with numerous nutrition strategies, over the previous decade, going low fat and heavily plant based, to Paleo, then on to low carb, keto and finally carnivore. Each change brought me closer to optimal health and performance.

Otto Wilde:
Has your diet had an impact on your life and did the Otto Grill play a role in that as well?

Yes, personally I’ve experienced the best health and performance of my life since adopting the diet and, yes, Otto Grill is something I use almost every day. Sometimes multiple times a day!

Otto Wilde:
On your Instagram account, you also show how you prepare your meals on the Otto Grill. Do you remember your first grilling with the Otto Grill? What was your first impression and what did you think?

Yes, I was impressed and how well The Otto Grill seared the steaks and how fast it was. My first steak, as I recall was a ribeye and I saw an immediate improvement in an already delicious cut of meat.

Ribeye on The Otto grill

Otto Wilde:
Is the carnivore diet particularly challenging and how does the Otto Grill help you with this diet? What do you appreciate most about the grill?

The diet is actually very easy to implement and for many people that is one of their favorite features. No need for complicated tracking, planning or calculations. Just eat delicious meat when hungry. Yes, The Otto Grill makes getting a perfect steak reliably very easy. I like the fact that I can have a perfectly cooked steak with a beautiful sear within just a few minutes.

Otto Wilde:
Opinions differ on the perfect cooking level of meat. What does your perfect steak look like? What does your preparation look like?

Medium rare with a coast to coast even sear and a little bit of salt and I’m a very happy man!

Otto Wilde:
One might think that your diet is very one-sided? How do you bring variety into your meals and how does the Otto Grill help you? What can’t be missing on your Otto Grill?

I definitely tend to favor beef steaks and that makes up the vast majority of my diet. But I have cooked, salmon, lobster, pork, shrimp and many other cuts of meat in The Otto Grill.

Otto Wilde:
Lastly, looking back on all your Otto Grill experiences, do you have any tips for grill beginners?

You definitely need to keep a close eye on things and don’t let yourself be distracted as this grill is so fast, that you could accidentally burn your food. Also don’t add salt just prior to cooking as the high heat can turn the salt into ash. So either salt afterwards or well in advance.

Now it’s your turn! Are you ready for 1500 degrees? Then get The Otto Grill and sear perfect steaks every time.