Festive Leftover Salad with Pomegranate & Goose Breast

15 min





The Leftover Salad

500g lettuce

Grilled goose leftovers

1 pomegranate

50g pine nuts

3 colorful tomatoes

250g corn

Mustard Balsamic Dressing

3 tsp mustard

2 tsp fig balsamic

3-4 Tbsp olive oil

6 basil leaves

Salt and pepper

Festive Leftover Salad with Pomegranate & Goose Breast




You've had goose on the holidays and against all odds, your family did not eat everything. No problem - let's eat leftovers! Otto recommends a festive leftover salad recipe that includes leftover goose leg or goose breast and anything else you might have boxed up. With this recipe, now you will enjoy your next feast!





  1. Festive way to use leftovers

    Gather all of your leftovers and prepare your ingredients. First, cut the remains of your goose leg or goose breast into fine strips. Then, wash the corn and the tomatoes. Gently dry them and cut the tomatoes in half. Then, remove the pomegranate seeds. You can easily remove the seeds without spraying the pink, staining juice by submergin it in water. Simply cut off the stem and flower of the pomegranate and break the fruit in a bowl with water. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl while the white skin will float to the top and you will have less of a mess in the kitchen.

  2. Roast the pine nuts

    Now, roast the pine nuts. Place the nuts in a pan without oil and fry them at a medium temperature. Attention: keep an eye on your pine nuts and turn them constantly with a spatula, otherwise they can burn quickly. Once the pine nuts are golden brown, you can cool them in a small bowl.

  3. Homemade salad dressing

    For the dressing, mix the mustard and fig balsamic vinegar first. Then, slowly add a high-quality olive oil to the mustard and vinegar while stirring well. This will emulsify the oil together with the vinegar so that it does not separate. Finely chop the basil and then add to the dresseing and season with salt and pepper.

    goose meat slices
  4. Arrange the leftover salad

    Now, mix the corn and dressing in a bowl. Then, sprinkle the pomegranate seeds and pine nuts over the lettuce. Top the salad with the leftover goose strips and serve. Your tasty leftover meal is now an appetizing starter or side salad.
    Tip: add any other leftovers that you think will be a tasty addition to your leftover salad!


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