Otto’s Grilled Rainbow Trout

10 min

5 min



4 gutted and cleaned trouts

2 organic lemons

1 bundle of flat parsley

Sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Otto’s Grilled Rainbow Trout




A whole grilled rainbow trout is a perfect fish to grill because it naturally has a lot of fat to keep it moist and juicy. On the Otto Grill, the roasted trout develops an aromatic and crunchy skin while lemon and parsley – the best seasoning for fish – add a fresh flavor on the inside.





Don’t be intimidated by grilling a whole fish – it’s easy with the Otto Grill. All you need is 5 ingredients and 10 minutes. The Otto Grill makes fish grilling easy and grills up whole rainbow trout in 5 minutes. Dinner just got a whole lot easier! If you want to skip the recipe and watch how it’s done, check out the video below.

  1. Prepare Rainbow Trout

    Trout doesn’t have to be skinned before grilling – the skin can be eaten along with the fish. Just rinse off the trout with water to remove any residue. Dab the fish dry with a paper towel.

  2. Best Fish Seasoning

    Otto uses lemon and parsley as the best fish seasoning seasoning. Otto prefers finely minced parsley but you can use whole leaves if you prefer. Then, zest the organic lemons finely. Place the parsley and lemon zest inside the whole fish along with sea salt and ground black pepper. Slice the lemon thinly. Then, halve the slices and put them inside the fish as well.
    Pro tip: Lemon slices are the best seasoning for fish as they add both flavor and moisture during grilling.



  1. Fire Up the Otto Grill

    Preheat the Otto Grill for two minutes to the lowest temperature. But, take the grid out first, so your trout doesn’t pre-cooked on the hot bars. You don’t need a special fish grill grate, simply oil the grid with a high smoke point oil (refined sunflower or rapeseed oil is well suited) and place the whole fish crosswise on the rack bars. Put the grill grate in the Otto Grill and set the Meat-o-Meter to level 5. The belly of the trout should face the opening of the grill.

  2. How to Grill a Whole Trout on a Gas Grill

    Low temperature, tender grilled fish: Grill the fish at the lowest temperature level – and you don’t need any aluminium foil! Rotate for consistency: As soon as the thickest part of the fish back is lightly browned, about 1-2 minutes, rotate the grilled rainbow trout 180° so that the belly side also gets golden-brown and crispy. Flip the whole trout: After grilling for 2 minutes max, flip the whole fish with grill tongs and grill for another 1-2 minutes. Resting for best results: Then, turn off the infrared burners and let the grilled rainbow trout rest on the grill for 1-2 minutes. The trout is ready as soon as you can easily pull out the back fin. More practical advice for grilled whole fish, as well as more fish and seafood knowledge, can be found in Otto’s blog post: “grilling fish and seafood – the best tips and tricks!



  1. What to Serve with Trout

    Rainbow trout is served best with Otto’s grilled potato salad as a side dish

How To Grill Whole Fish Trout Video Tutorial

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