Grilled Christmas Goose!

60 min

5 min



Christmas Goose Legs

2-4 goose legs (1.1 lbs. each)

Gingerbread spices

1 Tbsp. olive oil

2 onions

Goose stock

2 Tbsp. brown sugar

4 big carrots

12 yellow cherry tomatoes

Coarse sea salt


8 finished potato dumplings (to serve alongside the legs)

Red Cabbage

2.2 lbs. red cabbage

10 bay leaves

1 Tbsp. cloves

2 apples

1-2 cinnamon sticks

Grilled Christmas Goose!




Crispy crust guaranteed! Perfecting a crunchy skin while still keeping the meat super tender is the biggest challenge when preparing a Christmas goose. This can be especially hard if you only have a regular oven and all the other xmas stress around you. That’s why Otto comes prepared with some serious grilling. By using the sous vide cooking method, a low temperature water bath or low temperature cooking in the oven, the meat cooks evenly and tenderly. Then, the Otto Grill fires up and ensures a golden brown, crispy and aromatic skin. Get ready for Christmas!





In Germany as well as for some in the US, roasted goose on the Christmas table is a family tradition. And while a turkey may be bigger, there is nothing like the taste of goose meat. For this Christmas goose recipe, Otto picked a special German goose which is famous for its low percentage of fat and particularly tender meat. Only the best for Christmas!


Goose legs
  1. Goose legs sous vide or in the oven

    First, you need to cook the goose legs sous vide or in a water bath at 150°F for about ten hours. To do this, vacuum seal your goose legs and let them bathe in 150°F water. Some use a precision cooker which attaches to the outside of a pot to consistently keep the temperature. You can also use a slow cooker to achieve this percise style of cooking. Alternatively, bake them in the oven at 170°F for about five hours is just as sufficient.

  2. Preparing the red cabbage

    Start by preparing the sides like the red cabbage a half an hour before the goose legs are ready. Put the red cabbage in a pot and add cloves, bay leaves, apple pieces and a cinnamon stick. Season it with salt and pepper and give it a good stir. Let it stew for about 20 minutes.Otto’s tip: Prepare it the day before — this way the red cabbage becomes even more aromatic.
    While the red cabbage is stewing: peel the carrots and cook them in another pot for 10 to 15 minutes.

  3. Have some sauce with it

    Heat up some olive oil in a pan and sauté the onion rings. Otto’s tip: Caramelize them with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar for more of a sweet and Christmas taste. Then, douse them with red wine, add the goose stock and let it all stew. You can add a bit of starch if you want it to thicken, but it should be fine without. And if you blend all the juices together after the goose is done, you will have a fine gravy. The finishing touch is to add tomatoes and the pre-cooked carrots before you put the top on and let it cooke at a medium temperature. For a more Christmassy note, stir in 2 tablespoons of ginger powder.

Grilling goose leg



  1. Preheat the Otto Grill without the grill grate to 1500°F for three minutes. Shallowly slice the goose legs crosswise for ventilation and place them on the grill grate. There is enough space for at least two legs on the grill grate of the 1500°F Steak Grill. Set the Meat-O-Meter to stage 5 and grill them on the lowest possible temperature. Grill the goose legs for one to two minutes on the Otto Grill until they have a crispy crust and some nice roast aromas. Otto’s tip: If the legs are really big, you can place the grill grat right on top of the drip tray to create more space between the meat and the burners. Now you are all set for your Christmas goose dinner!



  1. Take the meat off the grill and sprinkle them with some coarse sea salt. Serve the goose legs with the red cabbage and sauce. As a side, Otto recommends some classic potato dumplings. Enjoy your Christmas BBQ!

Christmas goose grilled

Want some grilled dessert? Well, have a look at those:

Grilled chocolate lava cake
Grilled bananas & ricotta cream
Christmas Crème brûlée