
The 5 Best Burgers you can Grill

There's nothing like a homemade burger. Mixing your own ground meat, hearing it sizzle as it cooks, the aroma of burger and BBQ sauce…it's heifer heaven. As Otto likes to say: when you have ground beef, grill burgers!

The 5 best burgers you can grill:
Otto’s Signature Burger: The Grilled Cheeseburger
The Bone Marrow Steak Burger
Mediterranean Goat Cheese Burger
Feta Cheese Lamb Burger with Dried Tomatoes
Wild Venison Bacon Burger & Gorgonzola

Nothing beats a homemade burger...except a burger cooked on The Otto Grill! Burgers of all kinds come out perfectly crispy on the inside, juicy and tender on the inside. Whether they're made from beef, lamb, fish, or veggies, The Otto Grill can cook up any burger in just a few simple steps. Once you’ve mastered our five best perfectly grilled burger recipes, your own backyard will become your new favorite burger joint!

1. Otto’s signature burger: The Grilled Cheeseburger
The cheeseburger is a classic-- one of the most popular burgers around the world. Otto likes his cheeseburger with fresh brioche buns, homemade beef patties, two gooey melted cheddar slices, half-sliced pickles, ketchup, and mustard. Is your mouth watering yet? There’s only one way to find out if Otto’s Classic Cheeseburger Recipe is for you – grill it up!

Otto’s Classic Cheeseburger
Otto’s signature burger: The Grilled Cheeseburger

2. The Bone Marrow Steak Burger
Warning: it’s addictive! One bite of this premium juicy burger will send you into paradise. The texture contrast between the crispy outside and tender center steak patty with the bone marrow praline creates a velvety mouth experience with the ultimate umami flavor. For this finger-licking-good burger, you need to try The Bone Marrow Steak Burger Recipe.

The Bone Marrow Steak Burger
The Bone Marrow Steak Burger

3. Mediterranean Goat Cheese Burger
This burger brings the flavors of the warm, relaxing Mediterranean to the crispy, caramelizing grill. An interplay of sweet, savory, and spicy, the goat cheese, caramelized red wine onions, and sweet figs dance together with aromatic rosemary. But it's not just the sun and sand lovers who'll love this burger-- anyone who likes a luscious, hearty dish will enjoy the tantalizing balance of fat, acid, sugar, and salt. Feel free to grill up the tantalizing combination that is the Mediterranean Burger Recipe with or without the sun.

Mediterranean Burger
The Mediterranean Goat Cheese Burger with figs and caramelized red wine onions

4. Feta Cheese Lamb Burger with Sun-Dried Tomatoes
If your palate is as adventurous as your spirit, this innovative burger is for you. This recipe reinvents the burger, using spicy lamb chops instead of beef. Playing on its unusual nature, we’ve paired this burger with a combination of explosive flavors: sesame, arugula, feta, and dried tomatoes provide a delightful balance of sweet and sour to pair with the aromatic taste of lamb. Learn how to craft the innovative Lamb Burger Recipe from Otto, the grillmeister himself.

Lamb Burger with arugula and feta cheese
Lamb Burger with arugula and feta cheese

5. Wild Venison Bacon Burger with Gorgonzola
For Otto, nothing on the grill is wild enough! Perfect for the winter months, Otto enjoys the combination of cranberries and pear that cut through the sharpness of gooey, melted gorgonzola cheese and crispy, salty bacon. This recipe will sweep you off your feet! Get wild with the Wild Venison Bacon Burger Recipe.

Otto’s sweet and salty Wild Bacon Burger with gorgonzola
Otto’s sweet and salty Wild Bacon Burger with gorgonzola