Veggie pita with grilled eggplant

30 min

10 min

1.5 h


For the pitas

1 lbs. Flour

10 oz Water

A pinch of fresh yeast


Alternatively, 4 pita breads

0.5 lbs. Hummus

0.5 lbs. Yoghurt

For the grilled eggplants

2 Eggplants

Olive oil

2 Tablespoons zatar spice blend

1 Teaspoons oregano

Salt, pepper

For the tabouleh

5 Tomatoes

½ Cucumber

1 Bunch parsley

1 Red onion

Olive oil

Juice of ½ lemon

Salt, pepper

Veggie pita with grilled eggplant




Vegetarian grilling? Why not! Veggie pita filled with grilled eggplant, hummus and tabbouleh sounds great, right? That’s what we thought, so we turned on our Otto Grill and created this tasty recipe for you. We like the pitas when they are homemade. But no worries, if you have no time, you can just use ready pita breads that you can get in any supermarket. With homemade hummus the pitas are even more delicious!





  1. First, you need to prepare the dough for the pitas. Combine flour, yeast, water and salt in a bowl and work until you get a smooth dough. Put the dough into a bowl, cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for 1.5 hours. It you do not have enough time, you can use ready pita breads from the supermarket.

  2. Wash the eggplants and cut them into small cubes. Place in an ovenproof bowl and combine with salt, pepper, zatar spice blent and plenty of olive oil.



  1. Preheat the Otto Grill for a few minutes at full temperature. Then lower the temperature, place the bowl with the eggplant cubes on the grill grate and grill them at low temperature and Meat-O-Meter Level 4-5 until they get slightly brown. Turn occasionally so that they do not burn or get dry.

  2. In the meantime, prepare the tabouleh. Chop the vegetables and season with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.

  3. Knead the dough one more time and form four 0.4 inch thick pitas with a 6 inch diameter. Place the pitas on the grill grate and grill from both sides at low temperature until they are golden.



  1. Put the yoghurt and the hummus into small bowls. Now everyone can make their own pitas: open the pita breads and fill them with grilled eggplants, tabbouleh and hummus. Add some yoghurt as sauce and enjoy your veggie dish!