Sous Vide Duck Breast with Orange Slices

20 min

5 min

2-3 h



Duck Breast Sous Vide

2 duck breast filets

1 orange, juiced and zested

30-40 ml Gran Marnier

4 cloves of garlic

3-4 sprigs thyme

1 shallot

1 tsp. honey

Salt and pepper

Duck Sauce

2-3 shallots

3 garlic cloves

30-40 ml Grand Marnier

1 orange, juiced and zested

2 Tbsp. butter


Salt and pepper

Sous Vide Duck Breast with Orange Slices




Sous vide and grilled duck breast with orange fillets? Sounds complicated, but it's not! All you need is the proper sous vide appliance. The duck breast is marinated together with delicious herbs and spices and cooked in a water bath for 3-4 hours at a low temperature for a tender middle of meat. On the Otto Grill, the duck breast is then grilled to achieve a nicely crisp skin. To top it off, there is a fine sauce made from the duck stock and spices which is briefly flamed.





  1. Trim duck breast

    First, dab off the duck breasts to prevent unnecessary drippings. Trim the duck breast by removing the excess skin and fat as well as the tendons and silver skin. Important: do not cut the meat and keep some fat sections for the roasting stock.

    raw duck breast

  2. Prepare duck breasts and spices

    Salt and pepper the duck breasts from both sides. Crush the garlic cloves with the back of a chef’s knife and quarter the shallots. Then, put the garlic and thyme sprigs on the duck breasts and it all together in a vacuum-sealed bag along with the shallots.

  3. Vacuum seal duck

    Mix the orange juice with the zest, Grand Marnier and honey. Put the mixture in the vacuum bag with the duck breast as well. Use a vacuum sealer to pull the air out of the bags and then seal them. Alternatively, you can also use a zip-lock bag and pump out the air with a vacuum pump.

  4. Cooking duck breast sous vide

    Put the filled vacuum bags into the water bath at 58 ° and cook the duck breasts for 3-4 hours sous vide.

  5. Prepare sauce

    For the sauce, place the duck fat in a saucepan and fry over medium to high heat. In the meantime, peel the garlic and crush it with the flat side of the chef’s knife and quarter the shallots. After about 5 minutes, set the oven to medium heat and add the shallots, garlic and thyme. Cook for 10 minutes and then add a dash Grand Marnier because Otto likes the spectacle: flambé briefly.

  6. Finishing sauce

    After flambéing, smother the flames by placing a lid on top. Next, pour the duck stock and set the cooker to low to medium heat for 1 hour to let it thicken. Then, pour through a sieve and season it with the orange juice. Add the butter to the sauce and stir often. Finally, season the sauce with pepper, salt and honey.

  7. Duck preparation

    Remove the duck breast from the water bath and remove from the bags. Dab dry with a paper towel and carve the skin in diamond shape. Important: do not cut the meat! Pour the juice from the vacuum bag through a sieve and add the sauce to taste.



  1. Duck grilling

    Now, preheat the Otto Grill for 2-3 minutes at full temperature. Once the grill is heated, lower the flame, place the duck breasts skin side down on the grill and roast on Meat-O-Meter level 5 for about 1-2 minutes. Rotate the meat and grill the skin side for 2-3 minutes with the same heat and height settings. Finally, depending on the desired degree of doneness, briefly grill the skin at full heat.

    duck breast on the grill



  1. Serve your sous vide duck breast

    Now is the moment: serve the grilled duck breast. After grilling on the Otto Grill, place the duck breast on a chopping board and rest under aluminum foil for 5 minutes. Then, cut the meat into slices and enjoy with the sauce and other side dishes. Otto’s tip: this meal goes well with a corn salad with orange fillets and orange-fig-mustard vinaigrette.

    duck breast with orange slices