Secreto with Guinness glaze

20 min

5 min

3 min



1.7 lbs Secreto

0.5 onion

1 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

1.4 tsp food starch

1 ¾ cup Guinness

1 cup brown sugar

½ cup honey

Secreto with Guinness glaze




You like meat? You love Guinness? Then we may just have the perfect combination for you! The Guinness glaze can be prepared in a hurry and the leftover beer goes to the cook.





  1. Glaze prep

    For the glaze, peel the onions and mince them finely. Add a little bit of vegetable oil into a saucepan. Sauté the onions on medium heat until translucent. Add salt, pepper and cornstarch and briefly sauté everything together. Add the Guinness and bring everything to a boil. Once liquid has reached boiling point, add brown sugar and honey and let it simmer, until the liquid has the consistency of honey.




  1. Preheat and start grilling

    Set The Otto Grill to low heat and preheat it for 3 minutes. Lightly salt the Secreto and place it on the grill grate. On Meat - O - Meter Level #3, sear it from both sides for 1.5 minutes each.

  2. Flip the meat

    Flip the Secreto and cook for one additional minute, then flip again and do the same. Remove the meat from the grill and allow it to rest for 3 minutes. In the end, brush the Guinness glaze all over it and serve the rest on the side.

Guinness glazed secreto