Muffin Omeletts

10 min

10 min

2 min



8 eggs

4 bacon slices

2 garlic cloves

1 onion

14 tbsp grated parmesan



cooking oil

Muffin Omeletts


Preparing eggs in the Otto Grill sounds a little outlandish? Not with our muffin omelets! Preheat you’re the Otto Grill and bake wonderfully crispy little muffins with the top heat. The perfect companion for breakfast, brunch or even as a snack.





  1. Crack the eggs and whisk until the yolks and whites are mixed, season with salt and pepper.

  2. Peel and finely slice the garlic. Cut the bacon into small cubes or strips. Peel and finely dice the onion.


  1. In a pan with a little cooking oil, saute the onion garlic and bacon.

  2. Preheat The Otto Grill on high flame for 10 minutes with the muffin tray inside.

  3. When the muffin tray is smoking hot remove it add some oil and the bacon, onions and garlic and fill each form up to ¾ with the egg mix. Put the muffin tray back in the otto grill and grill until the egg turns a light golden.

  4. Top with grated cheese and continue to cook until the cheese has melted.

  5. Turn the heat off and let the muffin tray sit in the residual heat for 2-3 minutes.


  1. Decorate steak pops with chosen steak toppings: Crunchy fried onion, salsa, compound butter, hot sauce, or any other condiment.