Grilled Apple Dessert

30 min

30 sec



2 tbsp butter

4 apples (Jonagold)

3 tbsp brown sugar

4 egg yolks

4 tbsp white sugar

3 tbsp Calvados or Apple Jack

Vanilla ice cream

Grilled Apple Dessert




Otto’s grilled apple dessert is the perfect finale to any meal. It combines warm juicy apples with a sweet savory egg crème and delicious vanilla ice crème – the holy dessert trifecta for cold winter nights!





  1. Prep apples

    Peel the apples, cut them in halves and remove cores. Now cut the halves into three equal sized wedges.

  2. Caramelize apple wedges

    Melt the butter in a large skillet. Don’t over heat and reduce heat before butter starts to brown. Now add the apple slices in a single layer, sprinkle them with the brown sugar and caramelize – be careful to not burn the sugar. Continue to cook over moderate heat for about 10 Minutes while stirring occasionally, until the apple slices are lightly browned on both sides. Then cover and continue to cook on low heat for about 3 minutes until tender. Take off the lid and increase heat to high. Cook the apple wedges for about 3 minutes until the juices evaporate and the apples are glazed.

  3. Preparing the egg crème

    Transfer egg yolks and white sugar to a small pot and mix well with Calvados. Cook on low heat while stirring for about 2 minutes until egg-sugar mix thickens – be careful to not bring to a boil!

  4. Stacking apples

    Distribute sliced apples into 4 heat resistant forms (usually ceramic). The bottom of the forms should be covered completely by the apple slices. Now cover the apple slices with the egg crème. Make sure that the crème is distributed evenly.



  1. Time to gratinate!

    Time to fire up your Otto Grill! Pre heat the Otto Grill for 3-4 minutes on max heat! Bring your grate down to Meat-O-Meter level 5 (lowest level). After your Otto has reached 1500 °F degrees, turn heat down to medium. Carefully place your dessert forms with the apple egg crème mix on your grate and into the Otto Grill. Sear for 20-30 seconds until the surface of your grilled apple treat is golden brown. Then turn off The Otto Grill.

    grilled apple gratin


  1. Serve your grilled dessert

    Take your grilled apple dessert out of the Otto Grill and top off with a serving of vanilla ice cream (or any other flavor of your choice). Serve and enjoy while warm!

    Grilled Apple Dessert