German Bratwurst and Sauerkraut

20 min

1 min



8 spiral sausages or regular bratwurst

1 jar of mild wine sauerkraut

2 bay leaves

1 Tbsp. juniper berries

1 onion

1 tsp. concentrated butter

4/5 cup of beef or vegetable broth

Fresh sourdough bread




German Bratwurst and Sauerkraut




The German bratwurst is the cornerstone of every German-American Oktoberfest and just the right meal to go with an authentic stein filled with tasteful beer. Otto takes a classical approach to one of the most German meals in existence: He grills his spiral sausage on the Otto Grill and serves it with a traditional German sauerkraut refined by bay leaves and juniper berries. In just a few seconds, the perfectly grilled bratwurst is ready to serve. Welcome to Otto’s Oktoberfest!





  1. Sauerkraut–perfect side for brats

    For German sauerkraut, dice the onions finely and fry them in concentrated butter until translucent. Wash the sauerkraut, drain it, slightly pull it apart and place it in a large pot. Add onions, broth, bay leaves and juniper berries. Season with salt and pepper to taste and let the homemade sauerkraut simmer for about 15 min at a low temperature. If you like, you can also add some caraway seeds to the German sauerkraut.



  1. Cooking the best bratwurst on the Otto Grill

    Preheat the Otto Grill to 1500°F for three minutes. Then insert the grill rack with the spiral sausage on it and set the Meat-o-Meter to level 5. Of course, you can grill any other sausage you like – the spiral ones are just extra German!

  2. grilled bratwurst

  3. Grilling a German bratwurst to perfection

    It’s easier than it sounds, because on the Otto grill, you’ll have a perfectly grilled bratwurst in a matter of seconds. That’s why a brat from the Otto Grill is ideal for a quick weeknight or game day dinner. Pick a low to medium temperature and rotate the German bratwurst a few times until it is evenly brown on all sides.



  1. Serve the Brats

    Serve the grilled bratwurst with the German sauerkraut and a dab of mustard. You can also load it all up on a soft roll and add some pickles to make it a very special German hotdog. Don’t forget about the beer, of course! It’s Oktoberfest!