Black Pizza

45 min

5 min




4 cups pizza flour, tipo 00

2 cups tomato sauce

1 1/2 cups water

18 oz mozzarella

1 tbsp salt

1 tbsp active charcoal

1/2 tsp yeast, fresh

Black pizza on the pizza shovel in the Otto Grill



This is some real interesting and easy twist to the good old pizza. The dark color is granted by active charcoal which blackens the dough, but does not affect the taste to greater extents. This Pizza is an eye-catcher and let the vibrant colors of your toppings shine.





  1. Mix water and salt in a bowl. Add approximately 10% of the flour and stir well. Now dissolve yeast in the mixture. Then add the remaining flour and knead for about 10 minutes until a smooth dough has formed. It should spring back when poked with a finger. Cover with a cloth and rest at room temperature for about four hours.

  2. Divide portions of dough and shape them into balls. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight.

  3. Preheat the Pizza Stone on the Otto Grill on high flame for 5 minutes on Meat-O-Meter level 3-4. Lower to Meat-O-Meter level 5.


  1. Take one of the dough balls and use a little flour to shape into a Pizza. Thinly spread tomato sauce on the pizza and add toppings as desired. Now place the pizza on the Pizza Stone and bake for 3-5 minutes until burnt blisters begin to appear. This will take a little bit of adjustment to get the base and top ready at the same time.